Author: Robert Woolsey

Begich: Reshaping Alaska's energy future

Anchorage mayor Mark Begich is making a bid for the US Senate seat currently held by Ted Stevens. Begich, a Democrat, is in his fifth year serving as the mayor of Alaska’s largest city. He hopes to reshape Alaska’s image as an energy-producing state, and take a lead in the development of renewable energy.

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Sitkans break ground for food security garden

The 2008 Sitka Health Summit has placed food security and a local fish market at the top of the list of this year’s priorities. While an all-community greenhouse is the long-range goal, summit organizers could not let the summer growing season pass by without getting started. Last Saturday (6-28-08) volunteers tilled topsoil and sand into a sunny plot of ground behind the See House of St. Peters Episcopal Church.

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Affordable housing project gets Assembly nod

Most of the shed roofs have been replaced with more “homey” gabled dormers, the stairways and entries are covered, and the Sitka assembly has run out of objections to a proposed affordable housing project at the old city shops. After four hours of public testimony and deliberation spanning two evenings this week (6-24 & 6-26-08), the assembly approved a 35-percent design concept for the Dana Bay Homes project on Halibut Point Road.

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IPHC's Leaman: Halibut stocks to rebound

Pacific halibut stocks are low right now, the commercial quota and sport harvest guidelines have been cut, but the outlook for the species is promising. That’s according to Bruce Leaman, the director of the International Pacific Halibut Commission, the scientific and regulatory body which keeps watch over halibut numbers. Leaman was in Sitka this week (6-25-08) to work with his port sampler, and to meet with halibut fishermen as they landed their catch at local processors. He stopped by KCAW to talk with Robert Woolsey about the IPHC’s involvement in the charter bag-limit lawsuit, and other important halibut issuesh.

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Assembly approves Silver Bay dock sale

Silver Bay Seafoods is now a land owner in Sitka’s Sawmill Cove Industrial Park. On a split vote, the Sitka assembly last night (Tue 6-24-08) handed over five acres of industrial waterfront, a dock, warehouse, and bunkhouse to the two-year old start-up company.

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SitNiks Concert Audio Postcard

Sitka’s own Russian folk music band, the SitNiks, performed a benefit concert under the Crescent Harbor Shelter during the lunch hour today/yesterday before a crowd of tourists and locals alike to raise money for the Alaska Day Exchange Concert. Raven Radio’s Ken Fate attended and produced this audio postcard. You can contact the Alaska Day Committee if you are interested in helping with the Alaska Day Exchange Concert.

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Fish Camp Residents Learn the Hard Way

Some of the best recipes in the world can’t be found in cookbooks. At Dog Point Fish Camp, traditional ways of gathering and preparing food are learned hands-on. Andi McDaniel spent the weekend there to investigate.

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Off-trail ATV use threatening Starrigavan fish streams

“Resource damage” isn’t a very pretty term, but that’s what the Forest Service says is happening to fish habitat in the Starrigavan Valley. Increased all-terrain vehicle traffic in the last couple of years has churned up new – and unauthorized – trails in the valley. And the tributaries and stream bed of Starrigavan creek itself are bearing the brunt of the impact. The watershed is home year round to juvenile coho salmon and dolly varden trout, and is an important spawing area for pink salmon and steelhead. KCAWs Robert Woolsey recently took a walk through the valley with Forest Service fisheries biologist Perry Edwards.

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Delta Western fuel dock clears another hurdle

The fuel distribution company Delta Western progressed towards its goal of installing a new fuel dock on Japonski Island Tuesday. During their last meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved changes to zoning language that will pave the way for a facility there.

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