Author: Holly Keen

Downtown totem pole headed for makeover

A popular totem pole in downtown Sitka's Totem Square is headed for a makeover. Known as a “shame” pole, it depicts a naked Alexander Baranof, a man who carries a lot of emotional weight in Sitka. Chief Manager of the Russian American Company in the early 19th century and the first Colonial Governor of Russian America, Baranof also presided over a pivotal battle between the Russians and the Sitka Tlingit. Decades after the Baranof pole was carved, some people want to give him back his clothes and turn the symbol of ridicule into one of healing.

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VPSO Class 34 graduates

The Village Public Safety Officer Program graduated its 34th class Friday (3/14) in Sitka. It was the first class to graduate since a Senate task force released a list of recommendations for improving the program. Five new VPSOs were sworn in: Christopher Barnett from St. Mary’s, John Tobeluk (Tuh-BEE-luhk) from Chefornak (Cheh-FOUR-nahk), William Peifer (FIE-fuhr) of Brevig Mission and Jim Shavings of Mekoryuk (Meh-CORE-uhk).

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"Sustainable Sitka" to organize climate change task force

The sheer magnitude of the problems presented by global climate change can have a chilling effect on action for small communities. But that hasn’t stopped places like Homer from developing a Climate Change action plan – and now Sitka may not be far behind. A group of about three dozen Sitkans met last night (Thu 3-13-08) to identify meaningful solutions to climate change that can happen within the community – and in the near term.

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Climate change affects Southeast Alaska too

Climate change has been making the headlines lately, particularly in its effects on the arctic. But what about Southeast Alaska? Jeffrey Short, a chemist with the National Marine Fisheries Service in Juneau, addressed that question for a group of concerned Sitkans Wednesday night (3/12), and the message was not pretty. Melissa Marconi Wentzel reports,

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Preservation commission to have role in planning decisions

The city of Sitka is going to tighten up its review of building permit requests for projects involving historic properties. The Sitka assembly last night (2-11-08) affirmed the authority of the Sitka Historic Preservation Commission to play a significant role in the review of building permits for – or near to – the community’s inventoried historic resources.

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Master carver visits Sitka

A top name in the world of Northwest Coast art recently spent a few days in Sitka this month (March), passing on his craft. Ketchikan master carver Nathan Jackson led a three-day Alaskan Masterpieces Carving Workshop at The Southeast Alaska Indian Cultural Center. The class was modeled after the 1980’s Ketchikan Area Carvers’ Colloquium, which brought together accomplished artists carving in the traditional style of the northern Northwest Coast people. Jackson and four students spent three days carving bentwood boxes with traditional hand tools. Melissa Marconi Wentzel stopped by to speak with Jackson and one of his students and brought back this audio postcard.

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Benchlands planners look at cottages, land trust

Sitka residents collaborating on a land use plan for the Benchlands subdivision are emphasizing a diversity of home types, and an innovative affordability scheme. About thirty Sitkans attended last week’s (3-5-08) land-use planning meeting – the second of three such meetings scheduled for the Benchlands before the development enters the political hearing process at the Planning and Zoning Commission and the assembly.

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