Interview: Reifenstuhl endures on ice cream, latex
Three-time Alaska Ultrasport winner Steve Reifenstuhl was a top contender in this year's Yukon Artic Ultra, a human endurance event along the Yukon Quest Trail. Reifenstuhl, who by day is the 57-year-old operations manager of the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association in Sitka, was first across the line in the marathon-length and 100-mile portions of the race – which typically covers 320 miles. But this year, extreme temperatures as low as minus 54-degrees led race organizers to keep the thirty runners, bikers, and skiers on a 50-mile loop between Whitehorse and Rivendell for most of the event. Reifenstuhl talks with KCAWs Robert Woolsey about race tactics that depend absolutely on staying dry, and staying fuelled -- with melted ice cream.
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