Author: Melissa Marconi Wentzel

ADF&G announces record-high herring quota

The state Department of Fish and Game’s preliminary guideline harvest level for the 2008 Sitka Sound Sac Roe herring fishery is the highest ever. Still, fishery managers say they’re being conservative. Meanwhile, the Sitka Tribe of Alaska is calling the commercial quota “shocking”, and predicts it will jeopardize the subsistence herring egg harvest.

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Sitka reacts to sea lice threat

Research published this week (12-13-07) in the journal Science indicates that a well-known parasite may threaten wild Pacific salmon stocks to a much greater extent than previously thought. Sea lice reared in British Columbia’s salmon farms are spreading to -- and killing – wild runs of juvenile salmon. News of the Science study is being met in Alaska’s fishing community with renewed concern over salmon farming. In Sitka, the assembly wasted no time in passing a resolution supporting the protection of wild salmon. Robert Woolsey (with help from Steve Heimel, Anchorage, and Joel Southern, Washington DC).

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Benchlands purchase to move forward as planned

The purchase of the 200-acre University benchlands will go ahead as planned. The Sitka assembly (on 12-11-07) voted down a proposal from the mayor to cancel the $3-million dollar purchase, in the hope that development costs can be kept to a reasonable minimum, and that Sitkans could have access to some of the last, prime residential real estate in town.

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Contentious politics contributes to Holst's departure?

Assemblyman John Holst cited his growing consulting business as the reason for his sudden resignation from Sitka's governing body. But, friction with the mayor -- in plain view Tuesday night (12-11-07) during debate over the benchlands purchase -- may also have been a factor in the timing of his decision.

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White House tree features Sitka ornament

An ornament handcrafted by Sitka artist Tommy Joseph is adorning this year’s White House Christmas Tree. The Northwest Coast-themed ball is sharing space with over 300 other holiday ornaments representing the country’s national parks.

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Interview: TLMP an important tool for diverse management

The so-called TLMP "adjustment" was the direct result of a 2005 ruling from the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which found that the Forest Service had significantly overestimated the market demand for Tongass timber. Tongass supervisor Forrest Cole talks with CoastAlaska's Ed Schoenfeld about how the amended plan remains an important tool for managers in Sitka and other areas of the forest.

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International Coastal Clean Up day in Sitka

Sitka residents came out en masse to participate in International Coastal Clean-Up Day Saturday [September 20th], beach combing for garbage on a nearby island, in Sitka National Historical Park and even underwater, dumpster diving in one of the local harbors. The event was sponsored locally by the Sitka Conservation Sociey, the National Park Service, The Sitka Global Warming Group, and the Sitka Chapter of Turning the Tides.

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Candidates discuss taxes, schools in chamber forum

Sitka voters this October will fill four municipal seats – two on the assembly and two on the school board. The four candidates who have filed for those seats met for the first election forum of the season this week at the Sitka Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Wednesday (9-23-09).

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