Author: Rachel Waldholz, KCAW

North Pacific Council cuts bycatch caps

The Council voted Sunday evening to lower caps on halibut bycatch in the Bering Sea -- by 21-percent overall. But Bering Sea halibut fishermen say the cut isn’t big enough to save their communities.

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Panel hears emotional testimony on halibut bycatch

Emotions are running high as the North Pacific Fishery Management Council considers a proposal to reduce halibut bycatch in the Bering Sea. The council got a preview of public sentiment during testimony before its advisory panel this week.

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North Pacific Council meets in Sitka

Fishermen, scientists, and seafood industry representatives from around Alaska -- and the country -- are in Sitka this week for the meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. The Council regulates all federal fisheries off Alaska, including pollock, cod and flatfish.

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