Author: Rachel Waldholz, KCAW

Harrigan Centennial Hall renovation will go out to bid

The Assembly voted Tuesday night to put the Centennial Hall renewal project out to bid. The renovation will expand the building’s meeting and convention spaces and create a new, second entrance on the waterfront. Assembly members stressed that the project is being paid for entirely with state grants -- not with city money.

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Assembly postpones discussion of electric rates

The Assembly put off a discussion of whether to raise electric rates until a special meeting on April 23. And while assembly members expressed support for finding an additional $1-million for Sitka schools, they couldn’t muster much enthusiasm for any of the specific proposals before them.

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Assembly to consider additional $1-million for schools

The Sitka School Board's budget assumes the city will increase its funding by $1-million this year. Now, the Assembly is considering where that money might come from. Options range from eliminating sales tax exemptions to cutting library hours to putting a tax increase on the October ballot.

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Visioning session to ask: What does healthy Sitka mean to you?

Melissa Marconi Wentzel discusses the Sitka Health Summit's upcoming Visioning Session. Participants will imagine where they'd like to see Sitka in five years, taking into account everything from public health to arts and culture, housing and transportation, access to healthy food and health behaviors. The event will be Thursday, April 16, from 5:30-7:30 at Kettleson Memorial Library (in the Stratton Building). Organizers will provide a light dinner, and childcare and activities for kids. You can find more information at Downloadable audio

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DOT considers cutting Sitka Airport hours

The state Department of Transportation has told city officials that budget cuts may mean shorter hours for Sitka’s Rocky Gutierrez Airport. The airport is currently staffed 24 hours a day. DOT is considering cutting one staff member, perhaps reducing operating hours to 18 or 20 hours a day.

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Strong dollar and oversupply meant slow herring season in Sitka

This year's low herring prices changed Sitka's sac roe herring fishery from a free-for-all to a cooperative effort. The reason? Low prices for roe, for starters. And a strong US dollar that makes all American exports more expensive. KCAW looks at how global economic trends translated into a quiet spring in Sitka.

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Walker: “Concerned how far we’re cutting”

Governor Bill Walker told the Sitka Chamber of Commerce that he’s “a little concerned” about the depth of cuts being proposed by state lawmakers. "My concern now is that with the stroke of a pen we can end programs that have taken decades to create," Walker said.

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