Author: Katherine Rose

Public reacts to release of hospital sale agreements

Over 60 people were in attendance for a city Q&A on the proposed sale of Sitka Community Hospital. The meeting was intended to be an informative dive into several documents associated with the sale, but the majority of the time was spent fielding questions from a handful of concerned citizens.

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At seiners’ meeting, demonstrators call to ‘Protect the Herring’

People filled the chairs and lined the walls at an organizational meeting on Saturday for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the day before the Sitka Sac Roe Herring Fishery went on 2 hour notice. Around 75 seiners and Sitkans listened as Fish and Game biologists spoke about last year’s fishery and gave an outlook for this year.

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Assembly meeting canceled due to lack of quorum

The Sitka Assembly will not meet tonight (3/12/19). The regular Tuesday meeting was called off earlier this week, due to a lack of quorum. According to Robert’s Rules, a minimum number of voting members must be in attendance in order to call a meeting.

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STA seeks City’s support on herring

City and Tribal government leaders broke bread at their biannual government to government meeting on Tuesday night (3/5/19). During a two hour dinner at the Westmark Hotel, five of Sitka’s seven assembly members and Sitka Tribal Council members discussed issues of shared significance to STA and the city, like education, affordable housing, homelessness, and economic development.

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