Category: Syndicated

After five decades, Sitka’s pro bono veterinary practice closes its doors

Sitka’s oldest veterinary practice has closed its doors. Dr. Burgess Bauder retired on January 1, after 51 years serving Sitkans and their pets. That Bauder’s practice was unusual is an understatement. In the first place, no one called him “doctor” – ever. He was a commercial cucumber diver and inspired thinker who built one of Sitka’s most iconic landmarks, the Rockwell Lighthouse. He is regarded as a brilliant diagnostician who didn’t just treat animals, he helped their owners understand how illness developed, and how to prevent it. Perhaps most unusual of all: His practice – from the very beginning – was free.Read More

Sitka’s ‘place-based tourism’ conference hits the road — in Fairbanks

Alaska’s annual Heritage & Cultural Tourism Conference has wrapped up this week (3/27) – not in Sitka, but in Fairbanks. To celebrate the event’s 10th anniversary, the Sitka Tribe of Alaska took the conference on the road for the first time. As KCAW’s Robert Woolsey reports, the organizers believe the mission and values behind the conference are universal.Read More



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Alaska Seaplanes Drawing – ended 10/8/23

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Russell’s Kayak Giveaway – ended 6/30/24

Alaska Seaplanes Fall 2024  – ended 9/29/24

Valentines Day 2025 Giveaway – ended 2/14/25

Alaska Seaplanes Spring 2025  – ended 3/30/25

Alaska Airlines Spring 2025 – ends 4/5/25