Tag: Hannah Guggenheim

Sitkans hold vigil for Orlando shooting victims

A crowd of nearly 100 Sitkans gathered in Totem Square last night (06-13-16), to honor the 49 victims of Sunday's (06-12-16) shooting at Pulse, an Orlando nightclub. The group gathered beneath a blue sky in a big circle and, holding strips of orange paper, took turns reading the forty nine name aloud. Read More

Save the Campus

Filmmaker Hannah Guggenheim produced this video to celebrate the ongoing effort of the community of Sitka and the Sitka Fine Arts Camp to revitalize the Sheldon Jackson Campus. Read More

Viral video launch to spread SJ’s message of renewal

A Sitka filmmaker wants to create “Alaska’s largest viral video launch” on Wednesday, May 9. Hannah Guggenheim produced a widely-viewed film about the Sheldon Jackson campus last year, after college trustees handed over the keys of the historic landmark to the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. Now, Guggenheim’s made another film, and she’s going to plug into Sitka’s social networks to distribute it. Read More

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