Tag: Kramer Avenue landslide

Indian River ‘monitoring tool’ may shed light on Sitka’s potential landslide hazard

Former Sitka science teacher and programmer Eric Matthes noticed an extraordinarily rapid rise in the Indian River (Ḵaasda Héen) on a trail run the morning of August 18, 2015. At the same time, three landslides struck in Sitka, one of them deadly. Matthes has since correlated eleven other landslides around Sitka since 2014 with high water events on the river, and developed an online tool that indicates when a rainstorm is producing a possible landslide hazard -- and when it's not. Read More

Sitka research partnership wins $2.1 million for landslide prediction

A research partnership has been awarded $2.1 million to study landslide prediction in Sitka. The 3-year “Smart and Connected Communities” grant comes from the National Science Foundation, with the goal of using relatively inexpensive sensor technology -- and existing social networks -- to create a realtime warning system in Sitka and other communities at risk of slides. Read More

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