Tag: Mark Buggins

Yuck! Despite odor (and color) Sitka’s temporary water is safe

Sitka’s tap water smells bad at times, and it turns yellow at others -- but it’s safe to drink. And it’s also temporary. In about 40 days, the community should be back on its primary water source at Blue Lake. Sitka’s environmental superintendent, in the meantime, has been assuring residents that they are not imagining things. Sitka’s water has a stronger odor than usual -- but it's safe. Read More

Sitka’s water: Smelly, temporary, safe

Sitka's environmental superintendent Mark Buggins says Sitka's water smells more strongly of chlorine -- because there's more chlorine in it. The temporary filtration plant at Indian River has much different disinfection requirements than Blue Lake, including higher chlorine. Disinfection standards are higher now than when the Indian River was last used as Sitka's water supply in 1984. The city should go back on Blue Lake water in mid-October. Read More



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