Tag: RAND Corporation

Sitka’s pandemic response: A lesson in getting it (more) right

While Sitka -- like many places -- is struggling right now with the delta variant and an unexpected surge in coronavirus infections, over most of the last year it got the pandemic right: low infection rate, high support for vulnerable parts of the community. Around 80 policy researchers and government entities convened on Wednesday (7-28-21) to listen as three Sitkans explained how it was done. Read More

Creators of landslide warning system seek input from Sitkans

A number of organizations--including the Sitka Sound Science Center and the RAND Corporation--have been working on a landslide warning system for Sitka. They recently received funding to create a dashboard for Sitkans to access all kinds of data and are asking residents to fill out a survey to help determine the best way to disseminate information during periods of high landslide risk. Read More

Survey: Researchers ask how Sitkans assess, respond to pandemic risk

The longer that relatively isolated communities like Sitka go with few or no cases of the coronavirus, the less threatened they feel by the infection -- or not. Social scientists want to learn what factors inform our perception of risk over the course of a pandemic, and -- ultimately -- how our perception of risk informs policy decisions for the community. Researchers want to know what you think. Read More



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