Tag: Sarah Gibson

Microphone in hand, Gibson unearths traditions of the land

Sarah Gibson is an oral historian and musician who lives in North Carolina. Gibson is one of six Sitka Fellows in residency this month at the Island Institute this summer. Raised in a rural community in Vermont, Gibson is compelled by land and people, and how the relationship between the two expresses itself in traditional arts and storytelling. Gibson will be leading a how-to oral history workshop tomorrow (09-27-15) at 7 p.m. in Fraser Hall, teaching participants how to do interviews with loved ones and neighbors. Downloadable audio. Read More

Postcard: Training the next generation of Tlingit speakers

A week-long Tlingit immersion project wrapped up earlier this month in Sitka (08-07-15). About 60 attendees ranging in age from 5 to 50 packed Mt. Edgecumbe High School's Heritage Hall to learn and play in Tlingit. One activity was a Tlingit spelling bee. KCAW's Sarah Gibson met the program organizer, Heather Powell, and sent this audio postcard. Read More

Sitka Spotlights

Sitka Fellow, Sarah Gibson has been working on a new series called Sitka Spotlights. Tune in on Monday mornings after the Writer’s Almanac to hear local residents sharing their art, work, and traditions with KCAW...

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