Tag: Sitka Coast Guard

Made it!

The Cutter Maple has completed its historic voyage through the Northwest Passage, and has arrived at Coast Guard Yard. The 225-foot buoy tender is only the 6th Coast Guard vessel to sail the famed route. Read More

Ocean floor sensors yield clues on seismic activity

In January, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook up Southeast Alaska, and sent scientists scrambling to study the fault where it originated. Researchers placed sensors on the ocean floor, hoping to better map the fault system, and better predict the size and location of future earthquakes. Read More

Tote delivery

A helicopter crew from USCG Air Station Sitka hoists 19-year-old Ryan Harris from the blue fish tote in which he had drifted for over 24-hours. Harris was the deckhand aboard the 28-foot fishing vessel Kaitlin Rae, which sank suddenly off of Cape Edgecumbe the afternoon of Friday, September 7, 2012. Neither Harris nor his skipper, Stonie "Mac" Huffman had time to get out a mayday call. Huffan found a survival suit in the debris and managed to climb into it. He was picked up from the beach on Pt. Amelia about 10 miles from where the Kaitlin Rae sank. Harris, in his tote-turned-lifeboat, was spotted by another fishing vessel a few more miles to the north near Eagle Rock. Read More



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