Tag: technology

Frankenstein on “Frankentweet,” or the digital monsters around us

Ellen Frankenstein, a local media maker and educator, is developing a project called Frankentweet, that uses documentary film to examines personal interaction in the digital age. She was joined by Patrick Sullivan, a Special Project Coordinator. "Frankentweet" wants to know how technology - from social media to smartphones - is shaping ordinary life and classroom learning. The filmmakers' unique approach to this project includes "digital interventions" - or "hijinks" - that involve people directly. Downloadable audio. Read More

Thielke: “I think the easiest way to humanize big ideas is to put it in narrative”

D.J. Thielke is a fiction writer and one of six Sitka Fellows in residency at the Island Institute this summer. Much of her fiction has focused on the role of technology on identity in modern life. She is currently finishing and editing a collection of stories that focuses on this theme. In Sitka, her project is to do further research on a new story about the oil business and the way it shapes local economies associated with the rig. Downloadable audio. Read More



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